Saint Francis, Blessing Little Lake Valley
2016 © Sue Ellen Parkinson
Original – Acrylic on Wood, 30” x 47”
For years my community fought CALTRANS against putting in a freeway bypass through our beautiful Little Lake Valley. In the end, the big money won and the freeway was put through. I called on Saint Francis to bless this valley. You can see much of the wildlife that exists here in this painting. St. Francis wanted nothing to do with the bureaucracy of the church. He believed in the “Sacred Ordinary” and was enormously popular with the people. He often taught in the form of song, told stories and was known to stop along his way and give sermons to the wildlife. When the Church tried to make him a bishop, he declined saying, “I want no position that puts me higher than anyone else.”
The model for my St. Francis is the director of our local peace choir, the Emandal Chorale. He is shown blessing the Little Lake Valley just East of my hometown, Willits.